Regardless of where, or how you buy your stamps......
Look For This Logo
It ensures the dealer you are doing
business with has met the high standards
of the Canadian Stamp Dealers'
CSDA Code of Ethics
- I will at all times conduct myself in a business-like and professional manner so as not to bring discredit to the Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association, diminish the prestige of membership therein or to lessen public confidence in the stamp trade.
- I will support and be subject to the constitution of the Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association, such amendments, resolutions and policies as the duly-elected Board may establish and I will conduct myself according to accepted standards of morality and courtesy in all philatelic activities not specifically cited in this code.
- I will not knowingly sell repaired, improved, counterfeit or in any way altered material as sound, or for anything other than as described.
- I will to the best of my ability, properly, carefully and honestly grade and describe all merchandise offered for sale by me and indicate any faults, defects, restorations or alterations of which I am aware.
- I will neither buy nor sell philatelic items of which the ownership is in doubt and will promptly report to the proper law enforcement agencies and the CSDA all information on suspected stolen material.
- I will refrain from misleading advertisements and statements and will advertise for sale only those items that are available to me at the time the advertisements are placed. Otherwise, I will make prompt cash refund on all "out of stock" or returned merchandise or make suitable, mutually agreeable arrangements with my clients.
- I will immediately provide a refund for any item sold by me where the description was either inaccurate or misleading if the return is made within a reasonable period of time.
- I will hold intact, pending written acceptance from the seller, all merchandise sent to me for offer, and should the offer be unacceptable promptly and carefully return it to its proper owner.
- I will provide all consignors of merchandise with a detailed invoice of same clearly indicating any conditions, charges or commissions and indicate a time frame for sale or return.
- I will honor and fulfill all my contracts and obligations by promptly correcting any error I may make in any transaction, by paying for all material I purchase according to the terms of sale at the time of purchase within the time specified by the vendor or otherwise mutually agreed to.
- As an auctioneer, I will abide by the published "terms of sale," will publish all Prices Realized after a public auction and will remit all monies owed all consignors within a reasonable period of time.
- I will cooperate with the Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association in all matters, which lead to the betterment of the Association and philately in general.
- If I should ever be found guilty of unethical or unlawful conduct, the record thereof may be disclosed to other philatelic societies of which I am a member.
- I will submit any dispute, controversy or claim concerning philatelic transactions in which I may become involved and cannot resolve, to arbitrators mutually agreed upon by the parties. The decision and award of the arbitrators will be binding on all parties and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Do you have a complaint against one of our members?
Please, first check our Member Database to be sure they are
a member.
Then, direct your complaint to the CSDA Executive Director